10:00AM Adult TSD
2:00PM Homeschool Class
4:45PM Beginner Mini Dragons
5:30PM Beginner Kids
6:30PM Advanced Kids
6:30PM Teens (Room 2)
4:45PM Advanced Mini Dragons
5:30PM Beginner's Kids
5:45PM ITP (Room 2)
6:30PM Teens 13 & up
7:30PM Jiu Jitsu
10:00AM Adult TSD
2:00PM Homeschool Class
4:45PM Beginner Mini Dragons
5:30PM Beginner Kids
6:30PM Advanced Kids
6:30PM Adult Judo (Room 2)
4:45PM Advanced Mini Dragons
5:30PM Beginner's Kids
5:30PM Advanced Kids (Room 2)
6:30PM Teens 13 & up
6:30PM Adult Judo (, Room 2)
7:30PM Jiu Jitsu
Check Monthly Newsletter for
Tang So Doo Classes!
6:00PM Kids Judo (Room 2)
7:00PM Adult (Room 2)
10:00am-Noon Family Judo
Our Mini Dragons class consists of ages 4-7. We have small classes sizes and keep class at a 30-minute time frame to fit their attention span. Our primary goal for our little guys is just simply the basics to focus on balance and coordination. We teach lifelong skills such as concentration, respect, discipline, and self-motivation. Once these students reach the attention span and comprehension skills needed; they are transferred into the regular kids program.
The roots of Tang Soo Do & Tae Kwon Do can be traced back over 2000 years ago to an elite group of young warriors. This elite group called the Hwa Rang was chosen from good families who were of good character. They exemplified the warrior spirit and intellect that influenced Korean history for the past millennium.
Kids classes are for ages 7-13. Our Beginners class is for students who have been training for 1 year or less. This class gives all students structure, physical exercise, and mental strength. All while having a blast in the beginning of our martial arts journey.
Do you homeschool your kids?
We offer daytime classes for kids who are 7+ years old. These classes are taught every Monday and Wednesday 2-3pm!
Advanced kids classes start an entire new curriculum that involves more physical exercise. We expect even more sweat, repetitions, and effort in everything that they do. Sparring gets tougher and our general movements like forms or Poomsae become more intricate. All while requiring more focus and self control of the students.
Our Teen/ Adult classes are designed for mature students; both in size difference and attitude towards their training. This is to socialize them with others with similar goals and brings them into a similar environment. We have students with many different abilities and all of the students are willing to lend a helping hand. Our goal with our teens is to mold them into modeled citizens on top of their martial arts training.
Our Teen and Adult Programs are for ages 15 and above. The word Judo consist of two Japanese characters, ju, which means "gentleness" and, do, meaning "the way". Therefore, Judo means the way of gentleness. From a standing position, Judo includes techniques that teach you to lift and throw your opponent onto their backs. From the ground, you will be taught to pin the opponent down, control them and apply joint locks or chokeholds until submission.
These Judo classes are offered every other Saturday from 10am to 12pm. They are designed for ages 5 and up, with a parent or guardian. If your child is interested, ages 8 and above are welcome to attend without a parent or guardian.
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